Fireplaces for the Contemporary Home

In days gone by, before the advent of central heating, the fireplace was the focal point for family life at home. People would gather around a glowing fire to share the warmth and each other’s company. Today, a fireplace may not be the cornerstone of household life that it once was, but a fireplace can really set a room off decoratively.

There’s still plenty of pleasure to be derived from sitting around the fire on a cold evening, and the fireplaces that we supply here at Real Flame still have that element of pragmatism. However, we also want to give our customers a great deal of choice, allowing them to select a fireplace that will compliment their home perfectly. Whether you prefer traditional or contemporary aesthetics, a fireplace or stove that fits comfortably with the décor of your living room adds a certain sense of homeliness and comfort that is hard to achieve through other means.

Minimalist, Contemporary Fireplaces

Sleek and elegant, fireplaces of this style are exceptionally popular and on trend, being particularly suited to modern homes with an aesthetic of contemporary clean lines. Typically, they take the form of electric fires, either mounted onto the wall or recessed into it, giving you that ‘letter box’ look. These fireplaces will make your living space a more pleasant place to be. Providing ample heat and a warm, welcoming glow, these contemporary style fireplaces are unobtrusive when not in use. This does not affect the appearance of the room, a particular benefit during the summer months when you’re unlikely to be using the fire.

See the photographs below for a couple of ideas of the type of look that can be achieved in your living room with a contemporary fireplace.



Of course, it’s not just the appealing visual aspect of the modern minimalist fireplace that makes them such a popular choice for homeowners who wish to achieve a more contemporary aesthetic. There is also the element of practicality that has caused these fireplaces to become such a hit in living rooms across the country.

The performance and efficiency of modern fireplaces tends to be greater than their predecessors, utilising convector systems to draw in cool air from beneath the unit, with warm air emerging from the top heating entire rooms rapidly and evenly.
There is an option for both electric and gas when selecting a contemporary style fireplace, and flueless gas fires are a popular and practical choice for modern homes that do not have chimneys.

Updating an Aging Fireplace

If you want to achieve that minimalist style in your home, yet you feel that your existing fireplace is at odds with what you have in mind, then there is always the option of revamping your fireplace and mantelpiece. A new contemporary mantelpiece and fire grate may be all it takes to turn an aging relic into the sleek and aesthetically pleasing focal point of a modern 21st century living room.


This is a popular choice for people who want a more modern look in their living room, but don’t want to lose their original coal fireplace. By updating the appearance, you can still burn coal in your home, but enjoy the aesthetic benefits of a contemporary mantelpiece. Retaining an original fireplace and chimney is particularly attractive to owners of older properties who would eventually like to sell, as it is features such as this that can add to a property’s value.

Here at Real Flame we’ve been supplying and fitting fireplaces in London since 1974, and we know our industry inside out. We stay ahead of current trends in fireplaces and home heating to ensure we can supply our customers with the most varied range of options. If you’d like to discuss our range of fireplaces then feel free to contact Real Flame directly or give us a call on 020 7731 5025, we’ll be happy to answer your queries and help you choose the right fire for your property.

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