Spring Cleaning: The Dos and Don’ts of Fireplace Maintenance

Maintaining your fireplace is essential, and as spring is now upon us, it is the perfect time to make sure your fireplace is cleaned and correctly maintained ready for use before winter comes around once again.

At Real Flame, we strive to make sure that our customers get the most out of their fires, so when you are doing your cleaning this spring, here are some dos and don’ts for you to follow when cleaning and maintaining your fireplace.


DO Regularly Clean

Maintaining regular weekly cleanings of your fireplace will make a more thorough job far easier, as well as helping to prolong the life of your fire and increase its performance.

When doing your weekly cleanings, make sure you clear out the grate of ashes and other debris and sweep around the fireplace.

DON’T Sweep Up Ashes that Have Just Been Burned

Sweeping up ashes and pieces of wood when they have just been burned is extremely dangerous. These hot ashes can fly around the house and risk causing a fire.

Instead, wait a day for the ashes to cool. You can sprinkle damp coffee granules into the tray, as this will help to bind the ashes together and stop them flying everywhere. You can then sweep up the ashes using a dustpan and brush, and use a vacuum cleaner to reach any small crevices.


DO Have Your Chimney Swept at Least Once a Year

Having your chimney swept professionally is vital, as it works to protect your health, avoid chimney fires and prevents smoke damage in your home. Hire a professional chimney sweep to come to your home and they can carefully and thoroughly clean out your chimney. It is usually a good idea to schedule your appointment during the spring or summer when you no longer require the fire.

If you only use your fire occasionally, it is highly recommended that you have your chimney professionally swept at least once per year. If you have a fire a bit more regularly, you may need to have it swept twice annually. Don’t forget to cover your furniture and floors before your chimney is swept to avoid soot of ash covering or staining anything.

DON’T Use Harsh Chemicals to Clean Your Fireplace

You should avoid using any harsh or abrasive cleaners or chemicals to clean anything in or around your fireplace, including any doors, handles, glass or the interior.

To clean your fireplace, you can use an oven cleaner or purchase a specialised fireplace cleaner and use a stiff scrubbing brush to remove any ash, soot or grime from your fire. You should always test your cleaning method before using it entirely, as some products can cause damage or discolouration.

Gas Fire 04

DO Have Your Fire Professionally Serviced

Not only will having your fireplace serviced completely rejuvenate it, but it will also ensure that everything is running properly and that no repairs are required.

It is important that you schedule your fire to be serviced as often as the manufacturer recommends. This will clarify that your fire is completely safe to use and more generally prolong the life and the performance of your fire.

DON’T Attempt Any Repairs Yourself

While you should monitor your fire regularly so that you can spot any damages or inconsistencies as soon as possible, under no circumstances should you try to repair the fire yourself. This will not only risk damaging the fire further, it could also potentially be very dangerous.

Keep a close eye on your fire both when you are burning it and when you are conducting your weekly clean. If you notice anything that doesn’t look right, you should cease use of the fire and contact a professional fire servicer, who can carry out an inspection and clarify what, if any, repairs need to be done.

We hope you found these tips helpful for cleaning and maintaining your fireplace this spring. At Real Flame, we ensure that we provide the very best service for all your fire-related needs, from sweeping and fireplace servicing to providing quality accessories such as fenders in London. For more information, visit our website today or contact us by calling 020 7731 5025.

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